Presentation “Jo vaig ser-hi, al Cap de Gos”

Presentation “Jo vaig ser-hi, al Cap de Gos”

By Jordi Moltó, edited by Terra Ignota Ediciones.

“Jo vaig ser-hi, al Cap de Gos” is a window to two thousand two hundred years ago, ss III and II BC, to a stretch of the turbulent Hellenistic period, in which Philip V, King of Macedonia, bad to recover part of the empire that Alexander the Great had forged a hundred years earlier and in his eagerness will collide with the greed of Rome.

A novel of war and peace, love and hate, mythology, fantasy and human values, in which the fictional character Eurípil de Pella and his companions struggle to survive a thousand dangers not only from the factual context, but the derivatives of the curse of a goddess, the prediction of an oracle and the consequences of a startling and unexpected delay that will lead to an end that is difficult to foresee.

The author, Jordi Moltó, has been invited to the sixth edition of this year’s Puig-reig Historical Novel Festival.

Saturday June 1 at 12:00pm
C/ Major, 13. 17251 Calonge.

When the event ends there will be a tasting of @lafabrica.calonge

Detalls de l'esdeveniment

June 1, 2024
12:00 PM



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