"Calonge, Poble de Llibres"

The Calonge booktown is made up of bookstores with different characteristics. There are two generalists, Libelista and Rals Llibres. And more specific ones: La Viatgeria, Calonge Comics, Mengem Cultura and La Fàbrica.

There are bookshops that, within the specificity of each one, attend to both the novelty and the publishing stock. And that they go to one, that is to say, that from the first moment they were clear that this is a collective and integrated project, a kind of cluster that needs to attract an audience that goes far beyond the scope county, which has a real appeal and alternative to sun and beach tourism, which is close at hand, just three kilometers away from the town of Calonge.

Therefore, the Calonge booktown transcends the strictly national scope. Therefore, as well as books in Catalan, they can be found in Spanish, and also in English, French, German and Italian, mainly.

Lídia Lobato

LA FÀBRICA - Plaça Major, 1

La Fàbrica is a music-themed bookstore as well as a wine bar where you will find a wide variety of Emporda wines and a tasting area.
At La Fàbrica you will also find instruments, scores, vinyls as well as accessories and instruments and you can enjoy a stable program related to the world of music and the wines.

Behind this project you will find Lídia Lobato, composer and singer, who has dedicated a large part of her life to the stage and who is now rooted in Calonge, to make her project a reality.

Belén Vieyra


Libelista Calonge will be a generalist bookshop with books in Catalan, Spanish, English, French and German. Its aim is to become a cultural and literary centre where the bookshops that are part of the online platform Libelista feel represented. It also aims to bring independent bookshops closer to their readers through values based on responsible, fair and local trade, always marked by networking and teamwork. The bookshop will also promote culture with reading clubs, children’s activities and literary vermouths. Behind this project is Belén Vieyra, a writer of Latin American origin, author of “El alma”, “Continuando el viaje” and “La gloria eterna o la derrota incansable?”, winners of the Letras & Poesía 2019 Awards. In parallel, she has worked in the field of accounting and economic consultancy, offering creative writing services, text correction and editorial layout, among others.

Meritxell Ral

RALS LLIBRES - C/ Major, 13

Rals Llibres is a generalist and illustrated bookstore that wants to be a meeting point for young and old restless and dreamers. Specially focused on the constant search for background books, you can find narrative, illustrated albums and informative essay books.

Meritxell Ral is a bookseller from Barcelona with a degree in Humanities and in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature who has worked in the world of books since the end of her studies and who, after training and collaborating in the publishing field, now undertakes this personal project.

Pol Verdeguer


Calonge Comics is a bookstore specialized in the world of comics, where you can find American, European, manga, graphic novels and illustrated books. The bookstore will also have a corner dedicated to artistic subjects where workshops and drawing classes are offered, as well as a space for board games and collectible card games.

Behind this project you will find Pol Verdeguer Veiga, illustrator and digital artist trained in Barcelona, owner of a brand of silk scarves (Feral) that you can also find in the bookstore.

Mònica Martínez

MENGEM CULTURA - C/ del Càlcul, 2

Mengem Cultura · Bookstore & Catering is born from our passion for the culinary world, it is a gastronomic bookstore where, in addition to books on the subject of gastronomy, you will find local products (wines, beers, cavas…) and a very special area with items from gift related to the world of gastronomy. At Mengem Cultura you can also enjoy a program of courses and tastings.


Cultural cycles with the aim of spreading literature and the world of books and turning Calonge into a quality cultural destination and a permanent meeting point for writers, publishers, translators, booksellers and readers.

The cycles have activities designed for all types of public, they complement the usual cultural program of the municipality and the activities developed by the bookstores of “Calonge, Poble de Llibres”.


Calonge, Poble de Llibres. La primera booktown catalana
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