Concert “A través de Vinyoli”

El diumenge 30 d'octubre, Xavi Múrcia ens portarà els versos de Joan Vinyoli, recitats, cantats i musicats amb el concert "A través de Vinyoli".

ESSENCIALS: Still the words, an act around the figure of Joan Vinyoli.

On Sunday October 30, Xavi Múrcia will bring us the verses of Joan Vinyoli, recited, sung and set to music with the concert “A través de Vinyoli”. The singer-songwriter will present the word of the poet, accentuated by a musical cushion that resonates genres such as folk, rock or the author’s song. We will be the unique witnesses of the union of poetry and modern music, thirteen pieces that fuse “vinyolian” verses with the organic notes of a multi-talented musician like few.

Miquel Martin, writer, will accompany us in this fusion and to get closer to the poet’s work.

An absolutely unique proposal! Do not miss it!

Detalls de l'esdeveniment

October 30, 2022
7:00 PM



Sala Gran Castell de Calonge

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