Calonge, Poble de Llibres. La primera booktown catalana

Presentation of the book: “I ara què, Tamar?”

Presentació del llibre: "I ara què, Tamar?"

Presentation of the book: “I ara què, Tamar?”

By Francesc Ballester.

It is a current and, at the same time, historical novel. From the present, the author takes us to know the life and way of thinking of a young Jewish woman who lives in the streets of Valencia in the last quarter of the 14th century. Alongside a wise Jewish woman highly valued for her expertise, the young woman will learn everything the other knows and put her daughters and what she wants to be above all else.

You will find in “And Now What, Tamar, Tamar?” both love, frustration, rebellion and Judeophobia.

It will be presented by: Lluís Comis
Music: Alfons Parés (harmonica)
Staffan Emt (guitar)
Talk (taster): “Feminine plural: Doctors, midwives, healers…: Wise women”

Saturday, September 16 at 6:30 p.m.
In Rals Llibres, C/ Major, 13.17251 Calonge.
Limited capacity.

When the event ends we will serve a glass of wine in collaboration with  @lafabrica.calonge

Detalls de l'esdeveniment

September 16, 2023
6:30 PM



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